World Sound Healing Day (Feb 14)

Sound is the medicine of the future - Edgar Cayce

Sound healing is ancient. Didgeridoos have been used for 40,000 years by the indigenous Australians. Pythagoras is credited with a structured approach using specific melodies to address psychological ailments. In Greece, Egypt, and India they introduced singing bowls, chanting, and tuning forks to promote a harmonious environment for the body to heal itself. 

The magic of “musical medicine’ will come into its own. The application of such healing potencies will not be limited just to man’s body and mind. It will be an agency for building and healing his soul as well. Corinne Heline
The counterculture movement of the 1960s and 70s laid the foundation for the modern sound bath creating immersive experiences to transport participants into a meditative state. Don Conreaux, my inspiration and teacher, is credited with hosting the first sound bath in San Francisco in 1975.

Music can minister to minds diseased, pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, raze out the written troubles of the brain, and with its sweet oblivious antidote, cleanse the full bosom of all perilous stuff that weighs upon the heart. William Shakespeare

Last week students gathered from the Netherlands, India, Singapore, Macau and HK to learn, to share, laugh, and grow. On the final day of level 2 (playing for others) students had the rare opportunity to merge modalities to experience the ultimate gong bath. What a gift to give and receive selflessly, a truly memorable and transformative experience for players and receivers. The capable graduates are now empowered to go forth and share their skills with others.

One day he will recognise music as a vital factor in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution of the whole human race. Corinne Heline

Eventually, musical therapists will compose prescriptions after the manner of a pharmacist. Dr. Ira Altschuler

As sound practitioners we take heed in wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi - we are the change we wish to see in the world. 


Nine Years On

