More than a feeling

Peace is more than a feeling (

Using numerous volunteers Dr. Masaru Emoto observed that human emotions resonate between 20-700 Hz with the chakras falling between 396 (root) to 963 Hz (crown). Peace resonated at 600 Hz.  It sounds like this

 Frequency travels from high to low and it is possible to shift low resonating emotions such as depression, fear and anxiety simply by being in the presence of someone at a higher level.

If  β€˜One person in the vibration of 500Hz, can positively affect 7,500 people in the vibratory level of 200Hz.’ imagine what a room full can do.  Gratitude, forgiveness and kindness are excellent elevators as too toning, sacred sound instruments and coming together with one mind such as our concert on Nov 26. 

Raising your vibration raises the collective. And by changing our world, we can change the world. Please do join on Nov 26 for The Art of Peace.

(image Dayton Art Institute)


My cup overfloweth


Peace Begins With Me